Friday, May 23, 2008

Shool holidayzzz!!!

hahahaha.......praise the God!! My school exam at last has ended and now I have 2 weeks of school holidayss.... hermmm, there is many things that are waiting for me to learn and do!!! when Im on my way home just came out from school, I saw her walking to the bus stop with my friends... When i saw that, the first thing comes to my mind is 'why, why my mom fetch me today!! I shall walk back home!!! Secondly, I sms my friend who walking with her too and text him some nonsence!!! Then when I phone him, my friend told me 'she" almost got knock down by car. My heart was like, how on earth this can happen!! But luckily my friend were behind of her and she was fine!! I would like to thanks my friend again, thankz bro!!!

Haizzz.... now I starting to worry of my holidayz, how shall I past my time???

Anyone can give me a idea!!!

1 comment:

叶子 said...

do you really want to be the one that always behind her.....
then try to do your best....
you can do better then this luo hon guo....
good luck.....