Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Love that never Fails...!!!

Hey everyone!! Today is my exam day again!! The subject that I've done today is Science and Math , frankly speaking< I do love science but for me maths is a subject I hate since I was a young boy in primary school!!

But , today as I doing my science exam , I really go all out to do my best not for everyone but because of I've put alot of effort in it to score the best marks in my class.. After finish science paper the other subject is math...

Once I got the paper , my mind has flew back to where I was last year.. My memory recalls that said something until now the sentence is still in my mind and heart.... I remember last year while I doing math exam, I totally give up because I dont dont understand and dont know how ti answer it at all, but the who is sitting behind of me told me , ( hey, u are a boy , why do you give up just because it is hard) in a joking way!!! But this has change my thinking towards math exam and from that day onwards, I do my best to just score the highest marks I can ever score...

And that is the time I started fell in love to <> until now !!!



叶子 said...

falling in live with xxxxx.....
what a funny post...
but i can see the affort....
continue the hard work yazzz....
good luck....

♂♠☆阿荣☆♣♀ said...
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♂♠☆阿荣☆♣♀ said...

wad i wan to say is dont thinking about ‘love’when exam will 影响 ur exam gua... sains paper oni answered some question nia....