Monday, May 19, 2008

A day that full of happiness but including shyness too!!!

HEyzz everyone!!! Ermm, today I had my history exam and it sux!!! All the questions is extremly hard and is a hard shell to break tough!!

Anyway, I'm happy for this few days not only because school holiday is around the corner but too my relationship with someone have improved.... Last few days was weekends and I already start smsing her , she do reply but I still got a kind of feeling and it is (shy)...

Today in the school, when I saw her, I felt like talking to her but my fears over take me..... Suddenly I became a coward!!! Not only this , after the school bell rang!! On the way coming down from the stairs , she was Q'ing up behind of me .. Suddenly, a thought came to my mind again wish is to talk to her or at least a ( bye-bye) to her but I ended up acting like I dont realize that she is behind of me ...

Haizzz... what a wonderfull day yet I've missed many chances.....

1 comment:

叶子 said...

The Chances you have not just only have plenty of chances try to used it more frequently ! Good luck yaz!!