Thursday, May 22, 2008

A cup of red wine !!!

Wazzup everybody.... HOw u guys doing?? Hope all those who have finish their exam during holiday you guys will enjoy with all your might!!!

So, come to my topic today!! Ok, today my dad just came back from overseas and he brought his friend along!! This friend of his is a tall guy and he is young!! As usual, after our supper we came back home and rest!! What my dad will do usually is to drink some wine and chat with his friend... as for me, tomorrow is the last day of mid year exam of cause i need to study abit but mean while I too broke my rule because i online.....

While my mummy openning a red wine, my mum has poured a cup for me too... !!! What a wonderful time when dad is back to Malaysia!!! hahaha....

As everyone know , the most valuable wine is determined by the time or years that have been stored.... I have no idea with the "age" of the wine but once I taste the!!!

The small snip that I've took brought some kind of feel to me to post this blog to you guys today!! For me, the reason that I post this blog is because the idea came to me is once again all about (R.E.L.A.T.I.O.N.S.H.I.P)!!!

When I drink the wine with small snip, I can feel the heat or the warmness from the wine mean while the wine is sour too!!! This bring me the idea of , the longger the relationship you having with someone the more valuable it is.... Just like (W@@@*).... our relationship was like almost one year already, most importantly is that there might be someone out there dont know actually how long do I know her and they will just judge me through outward appearance, they will laugh at me and say Im a looser because never got the guts to talk to her!!!

What I will say in this blog is, I'm not a looser and no longger time My relationship with her will be back to normal again instead will be better then before!!!

That's all for to night !!!

Good night guys, !!! nite nite

1 comment:

叶子 said...

don't drink soo much!!!!!!!!!!