Wednesday, May 28, 2008

hoildayz life!!

Before school holiday, I really looked forward to it but now it seems like not as fun as what I've think before!! Izit because never see you this few days and my life was like not interesting already!! Why when i sms u you never answer, is there any problems that occur again in both our life??

Why is my life so unfocus....??? Currently, my feeling for her already become not so serious in fact I started to having a big and deep feeling in a girl which i alreay like her for almost 3years before knowing (w****)!! This kind of feeling is just special that I cant even control it by myself, anyway I will still prefer (w****) more then this girl i loved for all most 3 years......

I would like to take this time to inform all my friends that I cant accompany you guys because I got to attend a camp this coming Thursday whish is the day you guys going to J.J!!!

I hope if she goes, my dear friend ( kenny) you will help me to take carez of her and is time for you to recover you and her relationship as siblings!!!

Thankz again for viewing my blog!! enjoy your holidayzzzz.....

1 comment:

叶子 said...

but it is imposible...
thanks anyway....