Wednesday, May 28, 2008

hoildayz life!!

Before school holiday, I really looked forward to it but now it seems like not as fun as what I've think before!! Izit because never see you this few days and my life was like not interesting already!! Why when i sms u you never answer, is there any problems that occur again in both our life??

Why is my life so unfocus....??? Currently, my feeling for her already become not so serious in fact I started to having a big and deep feeling in a girl which i alreay like her for almost 3years before knowing (w****)!! This kind of feeling is just special that I cant even control it by myself, anyway I will still prefer (w****) more then this girl i loved for all most 3 years......

I would like to take this time to inform all my friends that I cant accompany you guys because I got to attend a camp this coming Thursday whish is the day you guys going to J.J!!!

I hope if she goes, my dear friend ( kenny) you will help me to take carez of her and is time for you to recover you and her relationship as siblings!!!

Thankz again for viewing my blog!! enjoy your holidayzzzz.....

Friday, May 23, 2008

Shool holidayzzz!!!

hahahaha.......praise the God!! My school exam at last has ended and now I have 2 weeks of school holidayss.... hermmm, there is many things that are waiting for me to learn and do!!! when Im on my way home just came out from school, I saw her walking to the bus stop with my friends... When i saw that, the first thing comes to my mind is 'why, why my mom fetch me today!! I shall walk back home!!! Secondly, I sms my friend who walking with her too and text him some nonsence!!! Then when I phone him, my friend told me 'she" almost got knock down by car. My heart was like, how on earth this can happen!! But luckily my friend were behind of her and she was fine!! I would like to thanks my friend again, thankz bro!!!

Haizzz.... now I starting to worry of my holidayz, how shall I past my time???

Anyone can give me a idea!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

A cup of red wine !!!

Wazzup everybody.... HOw u guys doing?? Hope all those who have finish their exam during holiday you guys will enjoy with all your might!!!

So, come to my topic today!! Ok, today my dad just came back from overseas and he brought his friend along!! This friend of his is a tall guy and he is young!! As usual, after our supper we came back home and rest!! What my dad will do usually is to drink some wine and chat with his friend... as for me, tomorrow is the last day of mid year exam of cause i need to study abit but mean while I too broke my rule because i online.....

While my mummy openning a red wine, my mum has poured a cup for me too... !!! What a wonderful time when dad is back to Malaysia!!! hahaha....

As everyone know , the most valuable wine is determined by the time or years that have been stored.... I have no idea with the "age" of the wine but once I taste the!!!

The small snip that I've took brought some kind of feel to me to post this blog to you guys today!! For me, the reason that I post this blog is because the idea came to me is once again all about (R.E.L.A.T.I.O.N.S.H.I.P)!!!

When I drink the wine with small snip, I can feel the heat or the warmness from the wine mean while the wine is sour too!!! This bring me the idea of , the longger the relationship you having with someone the more valuable it is.... Just like (W@@@*).... our relationship was like almost one year already, most importantly is that there might be someone out there dont know actually how long do I know her and they will just judge me through outward appearance, they will laugh at me and say Im a looser because never got the guts to talk to her!!!

What I will say in this blog is, I'm not a looser and no longger time My relationship with her will be back to normal again instead will be better then before!!!

That's all for to night !!!

Good night guys, !!! nite nite

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Love that never Fails...!!!

Hey everyone!! Today is my exam day again!! The subject that I've done today is Science and Math , frankly speaking< I do love science but for me maths is a subject I hate since I was a young boy in primary school!!

But , today as I doing my science exam , I really go all out to do my best not for everyone but because of I've put alot of effort in it to score the best marks in my class.. After finish science paper the other subject is math...

Once I got the paper , my mind has flew back to where I was last year.. My memory recalls that said something until now the sentence is still in my mind and heart.... I remember last year while I doing math exam, I totally give up because I dont dont understand and dont know how ti answer it at all, but the who is sitting behind of me told me , ( hey, u are a boy , why do you give up just because it is hard) in a joking way!!! But this has change my thinking towards math exam and from that day onwards, I do my best to just score the highest marks I can ever score...

And that is the time I started fell in love to <> until now !!!


Monday, May 19, 2008

A day that full of happiness but including shyness too!!!

HEyzz everyone!!! Ermm, today I had my history exam and it sux!!! All the questions is extremly hard and is a hard shell to break tough!!

Anyway, I'm happy for this few days not only because school holiday is around the corner but too my relationship with someone have improved.... Last few days was weekends and I already start smsing her , she do reply but I still got a kind of feeling and it is (shy)...

Today in the school, when I saw her, I felt like talking to her but my fears over take me..... Suddenly I became a coward!!! Not only this , after the school bell rang!! On the way coming down from the stairs , she was Q'ing up behind of me .. Suddenly, a thought came to my mind again wish is to talk to her or at least a ( bye-bye) to her but I ended up acting like I dont realize that she is behind of me ...

Haizzz... what a wonderfull day yet I've missed many chances.....

Friday, May 16, 2008

ho..ho..ho..( what a wonderful dayzz)??

He---hAAA!! At last man!!! At last we had sms each other... at the same time I would like to take this oppoturnity to thankz my frinedz who gave me the number and send her the first msg using my phone number...

This was the day that makes mr looses all my strees which Im having it the last feel dayz becoz of the school exams!!! Now after smsing her, all my strees are gone besides that some kind of power had been added to me!! thn next thing I wanna do is to talk to her face by face( anyone knows me will know what Im talking about)..

Hope it will never fails me.... wahh!! is late now >>> i got to go!! becoz tomorrow morning i got to wake uo early and going to kl for drum practice...

C u guys and thankz for reading my continue..........!!!!

( good night {w****} sweet dreamz)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Why is love so hard??

! ! ! Sigh.... everyone in this world is not happy with their life.... most of us as a teenager alwayz not happy with our family or some got problems in relationships too... For me im currently single and in my heart I'm happy with my life , besids that Me too has problems not only in study but too having probz in relationships!!

I alwayz wonderz why is this world so unfair to me!! Others got their love ones but why is it not me?? In my school I got some feel with 2 girls, but i never dare to tell them , i alwayz wondering if one of them will be mine love one <>

However , Im still in process of trainning up my courage to let one of the girlz knows that I love her....