Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hmm...LIfe yea!!??

Yo..Im back!! Just finished my SPM.. stress like crap...lolzz

NOw dayz Im alwayz in emo stage and very sensitive with things around me... Feeling that my relationship with school friends is getting further apart!! Im alwayz wondering who is in the wrong side me or them. I am a guy that take things very serious and I treat friends with my sincerity and not fake .. but now dayz I felt that YOU GUYz are using me up as a tool in school..

Besides, after having such problem in school when Im home again issuse appear in me... !! All this things I dont really wanna mention it out in here but I belive that this year 2009 will be a great year since begining until now I still belive that this year is a great year.. Although many problems had appear in my life but I will bear the who soar higher when there is strong wind and storm..So I declare the Spirit od Eagle and War Horse being release to my life..

During this one week holidayz, I really enjoy myself as in I never felt that is a waste of time spending one whole day in church and receving blessing from GOD. And I also spend my quality time with few cousins which we really enjoy ourself and there is no such word as <> for this few dayz!!!kakakaka

Hope the otherz will think like me as well...take carez and good night.....

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Chinese New Yaer 2009!!!

Yoyoyo... hey everybody!! Is been a long time that I never use my blog dy...how are u guyz!!!! Anyway, one year just passed and this year is 2009 which is the year of "ox"... Besides, this year will be my final year is High School and this year Im sitting for a very important exam ..the goal for me this year is to score at least 5A's in SPM and find out what I actually interested in to do in future!!

However, lets talk about new year!! This year for me is abit boring or maybe should I put it that way that a house without grandparents definetly the whole house will be come dull and cold.. Since young when I were alwayz looking forward for Chinese New Year , but as I growing up I felt that there is no more such "happy" mood to celebrate dy...maybe I think too much!!! For now my main focus is to do my best in every examination that will be coming to me after chinese new yearz..

Besides, currently I just hurt a girl.. She is one of my friend sister!! We coupled for like almost a month but after school reopen I suggested to breakup.. Because I find that she dont really suit me or maybe she is not my type.. My character and her character is totally different... if we couple together is just like a dog coupling with a cat... They will never ever live happyly together!!

So now currently IM single and not available because of my FUTURE!!! I want my future to be as bright as diamond and shine for God...

Ya..thatz all for my blog today!! Just want to which You all happy CHINESE NEW YEAR

Sunday, December 14, 2008

What a great holiday!!

Is almost one month ady for school break! I do really miss the time that passed! During holiday the most unforgetable time I been through is the time I were in Philipine! That was a great trip that I ever have!

We went there as a missionaries! Before going , I do felt lazy and actually dont feel like going. However, my parents brought my ticket already..so what can I do is just go there without any expectation! We left Malaysia on 4th DEC, in 4am!! This my second time going overseas by plane...hahahaha!!!lolzzz....

So we landed on Philipine at 11am.. the meal we have there is , it so special I really like it because they serve with rice and the price of it is resonable too....yummy.....

After our meal, we took almost 3hours journey to the hotel we are going to stay....on the way to the place we are heading to, I felt very nervous wonder how does it going to be the place we going to stay for the past 6dayz... But when we reach there the hotel is actually not bad though...

Cut the long story short, I went there and serve as a drummer in every church service ... I felt really proud of myself and at the mean time I've learned to humble myself.... The people there were friendly and the food there is nice and really suits me....heheheh

Besides, I too meet a girl name<>... she celebrated my birthday with me in Philipine and all of a sudden I felt in luv with her...HOW ON EARTH THIS CAN HAPPEN!!! But before I go I do made a promise to them that I will be back again to Philipine Next year December after my SPM!!!!

# all those photo is taken in Philipine, hope you all enjoy it##

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Happiness that fills me Up!!!!

The previous Friday, my school just launch a sport day in stadium!! Before the actual day, we have a so call ( raptai)... I've went there , since she've participate in marching and more so she went there too.... Before our practice start , the weather suddenly change as a result it rain!! I and my friend were hanging around a compound which covered us from the rain.. While raining , Sunny went towards her and ask her for her new phone numbers.... Then for this reason, I've use his phone and sms her!! Cut the long story short , I ended up asking her , does she need my accompany, she replied me this: You never dare to talk to me also... I was like :O god, U really knows what I want!! Through out the whole day, we never talk to each other!!! haha.... if anyone who read this blog please leave a comment for me yeA!! U guys can give me some advise too.... 

   Thankz for reading!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

hoildayz life!!

Before school holiday, I really looked forward to it but now it seems like not as fun as what I've think before!! Izit because never see you this few days and my life was like not interesting already!! Why when i sms u you never answer, is there any problems that occur again in both our life??

Why is my life so unfocus....??? Currently, my feeling for her already become not so serious in fact I started to having a big and deep feeling in a girl which i alreay like her for almost 3years before knowing (w****)!! This kind of feeling is just special that I cant even control it by myself, anyway I will still prefer (w****) more then this girl i loved for all most 3 years......

I would like to take this time to inform all my friends that I cant accompany you guys because I got to attend a camp this coming Thursday whish is the day you guys going to J.J!!!

I hope if she goes, my dear friend ( kenny) you will help me to take carez of her and is time for you to recover you and her relationship as siblings!!!

Thankz again for viewing my blog!! enjoy your holidayzzzz.....

Friday, May 23, 2008

Shool holidayzzz!!!

hahahaha.......praise the God!! My school exam at last has ended and now I have 2 weeks of school holidayss.... hermmm, there is many things that are waiting for me to learn and do!!!

Erm..today when Im on my way home just came out from school, I saw her walking to the bus stop with my friends... When i saw that, the first thing comes to my mind is 'why, why my mom fetch me today!! I shall walk back home!!! Secondly, I sms my friend who walking with her too and text him some nonsence!!! Then when I phone him, my friend told me 'she" almost got knock down by car. My heart was like, how on earth this can happen!! But luckily my friend were behind of her and she was fine!! I would like to thanks my friend again, thankz bro!!!

Haizzz.... now I starting to worry of my holidayz, how shall I past my time???

Anyone can give me a idea!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

A cup of red wine !!!

Wazzup everybody.... HOw u guys doing?? Hope all those who have finish their exam during holiday you guys will enjoy with all your might!!!

So, come to my topic today!! Ok, today my dad just came back from overseas and he brought his friend along!! This friend of his is a tall guy and he is young!! As usual, after our supper we came back home and rest!! What my dad will do usually is to drink some wine and chat with his friend... as for me, tomorrow is the last day of mid year exam of cause i need to study abit but mean while I too broke my rule because i online.....

While my mummy openning a red wine, my mum has poured a cup for me too... !!! What a wonderful time when dad is back to Malaysia!!! hahaha....

As everyone know , the most valuable wine is determined by the time or years that have been stored.... I have no idea with the "age" of the wine but once I taste the wine.....wow.....!!!

The small snip that I've took brought some kind of feel to me to post this blog to you guys today!! For me, the reason that I post this blog is because the idea came to me is once again all about (R.E.L.A.T.I.O.N.S.H.I.P)!!!

When I drink the wine with small snip, I can feel the heat or the warmness from the wine mean while the wine is sour too!!! This bring me the idea of , the longger the relationship you having with someone the more valuable it is.... Just like (W@@@*).... our relationship was like almost one year already, most importantly is that there might be someone out there dont know actually how long do I know her and they will just judge me through outward appearance, they will laugh at me and say Im a looser because never got the guts to talk to her!!!

What I will say in this blog is, I'm not a looser and no longger time My relationship with her will be back to normal again instead will be better then before!!!

That's all for to night !!!

Good night guys, !!! nite nite