Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hmm...LIfe yea!!??

Yo..Im back!! Just finished my SPM.. stress like crap...lolzz

NOw dayz Im alwayz in emo stage and very sensitive with things around me... Feeling that my relationship with school friends is getting further apart!! Im alwayz wondering who is in the wrong side me or them. I am a guy that take things very serious and I treat friends with my sincerity and not fake .. but now dayz I felt that YOU GUYz are using me up as a tool in school..

Besides, after having such problem in school when Im home again issuse appear in me... !! All this things I dont really wanna mention it out in here but I belive that this year 2009 will be a great year since begining until now I still belive that this year is a great year.. Although many problems had appear in my life but I will bear the who soar higher when there is strong wind and storm..So I declare the Spirit od Eagle and War Horse being release to my life..

During this one week holidayz, I really enjoy myself as in I never felt that is a waste of time spending one whole day in church and receving blessing from GOD. And I also spend my quality time with few cousins which we really enjoy ourself and there is no such word as <> for this few dayz!!!kakakaka

Hope the otherz will think like me as well...take carez and good night.....

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