Sunday, June 22, 2008

Happiness that fills me Up!!!!

The previous Friday, my school just launch a sport day in stadium!! Before the actual day, we have a so call ( raptai)... I've went there , since she've participate in marching and more so she went there too.... Before our practice start , the weather suddenly change as a result it rain!! I and my friend were hanging around a compound which covered us from the rain.. While raining , Sunny went towards her and ask her for her new phone numbers.... Then for this reason, I've use his phone and sms her!! Cut the long story short , I ended up asking her , does she need my accompany, she replied me this: You never dare to talk to me also... I was like :O god, U really knows what I want!! Through out the whole day, we never talk to each other!!! haha.... if anyone who read this blog please leave a comment for me yeA!! U guys can give me some advise too.... 

   Thankz for reading!!!


小皇帝-杰 said...

sry my english no good..
cant help u~~~

叶子 said...

u ahhh....
want u to talk to her oso bo计...
how can be like this...
kok ji kok lan no future de u know!!!!!!!

Nobody said...

dun b so scare...juz talk 2 her...u can do it..gambateh...